Countries and regions
Trade fairs

Exhibitors by category MOBILITY AND LOGISTICS:

Asociace pro elektromobilitu ČR, z.s.

PAV A1 / 067
VP D2 / 105

Autonapůl - první český carsharing

PAV A1 / 011

Autonapůl has been operating carsharing for more than 20 years in 8 cities in the ...

Autoplatba s.r.o.

PAV A1 / 037

BringAuto s.r.o.

PAV A1 / 025

BringAuto is a technology start-up that focuses on providing efficient and ...

Brněnské komunikace a.s.

PAV A1 / 058

The company Brněnské komunikace a.s. was founded in 1995 and is a joint-stock ...


PAV A1 / 046


PAV A1 / 030

EPS Global

PAV A1 / 049

EPS Global provides end-to-end smart parking systems, ranging from closed parking ...