VP P / 004B
VP P / 004A
VP P / 004C
www.farmtrac.cz- Product categorie:01 Tractors
Product categorie Tractors
02Small agricultural machines
03Machines for land/soil cultivation and treatment
04Seeding machines
06Machines for fertilization
07Machines and equipment for plant protection
08Irrigation systems
09Forage harvesters
10Machines and equipment for cereals, oil plants and legumes harvesting
13Fruit and vegetable growing machines and equipment
14Machines and equipment for grapevine growing and harvesting
15Transport and handling machines
16Machines and equipment for postharvest processing, conservation and storing
17Municipal applications
18Machinery and equipment for waste processing (not for power production) in agriculture
19Components and aggregates of machines and tractors
20Measurement, diagnostic, laboratory and automation equipment
21Seed and planting stock, agrochemistry
22Farm inputs and materials
23Services and education for agriculture