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Trade fairs

Product categorie Standardized parts for forming tools and moulds (punching, stamping tools, posts, sleeves)

Exhibitors by category Standardized parts for forming tools and moulds (punching, stamping tools, posts, sleeves):

COMPREX CZ, s.r.o.

PAV G1 / 062

Components for the production of moulds, shearing and press dies. Blasting ...

FIBRO GmbH | Business Unit Standard Parts

PAV G1 / 065

As a leading provider for Standard Parts for the tool & die industry, FIBRO offers ...


PAV B / 045

BRUDERER - high-speed presses. SOPREM - welding, decoiling and straightening ...

PENTA TRADING, spol. s r.o.

PAV P / 029

Electrodischarge machines, HSC milling machines, Grinding machines, standard parts ...