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Trade fairs

Product categorie Electrical injection moulding machines

Exhibitors by category Electrical injection moulding machines:

ARBURG spol. s r.o.

PAV G1 / 028

Injection machines for the processing of thermoplastics, reactoplastics ...

ENGEL CZ s.r.o.

PAV G1 / 029

ENGEL, headquartered in Schwertberg, Austria, is one of the globally leading ...

FANUC Czech s.r.o.

PAV G1 / 031
PAV P / 034

FANUC - sales, technical support, service and training of robots, CNC control ...

JSW Machines s.r.o.

PAV G1 / 044

JSW Machines s.r.o. is the official distributor of fully electric injection ...

Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery Česko spol. s r.o.

PAV G1 / 025

With 4 manufacturing plants worldwide, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag is a specialist in ...