13.01Flame welding, surfacing and oxygen cutting machinery and equipment
13.02Machinery and equipment for welding, surfacing and arc cutting
13.04Resistance welding machinery and equipment
13.05Machinery and equipment for pressure welding (friction, diffusion, cold, ultrasound welding)
13.06Machinery and equipment for other methods of welding, cutting and soldering
13.07Additional and auxiliary materials
13.08Robots, manipulators and accessories for welding technologies
13.09Other elements, machines and consumables for welding
13.10Metal bonding machines
13.11Welded structures, sub-supplies of welded parts
13.12Research, services and institutions in welding, cutting, soldering and metal bonding
Exhibitors by category WELDING - 26th International Welding Engineering Fair:
Welding machines and equipment for stud welding with a diameter of 2 - 25 mm ...
Laser and electron beam welding upon the customer's requirements. Development and ...
RAJCH, spol. s r.o.
Czech producer and supplier of technologies for industrial air extraction and ...
SIMAF CZ s.r.o.
Blind rivet nuts, self clinching parts, inserts and screws for plastic, blind ...
TESYDO, s.r.o.
Accredited inspection authority and certification authority for welding products ...
Valk Welding CZ, s.r.o.
- Welding wire and consumables for welding. - Systems with Panasonic (welding) ...
Vanad 2000 a.s.
We produce cutting machines with laser, plasma and oxyfuel technology ...
WECO s.r.l.
Weco represent a solid industrial reality since 1997 based in Cittadella (Padova) ...
Product categorie WELDING - 26th International Welding Engineering Fair
01Mining, metallurgical, ceramic and glass engineering
02Materials and components for mechanical engineering
03Drives, hydraulics and pneumatics, cooling technology and air-conditioning
06Power engineering and heavy current electrical engineering
07Electronics, automation and measuring technology
08Ecological technology and Circular Economy
09Research, development, transfer of technologies, financial and other services
10Transportation, handling, industrial packing, warehousing and logistics
11IMT - 13th International Machine Tools Exhibition
12FOND-EX - 19th International Foundry Fair
14PROFINTECH - 9th International Surface Technology Fair
15PLASTEX - 8th International Plastics, Rubber and Composites Fair
16Chemistry for engineering
17Industry 4.0 and Digital (Smart) Factory – Integrated processes and IT solutions