MKU Limited
208007 Kanpur
With a footprint in over 100 countries, we continue our endeavour to empower over 3 million soldiers and 3000+ platforms across 230 forces. Our products are tested and certified by leading labs and agencies in the world including National Institute of Justice (NIJ), USA. Our facilities are AS-9100-2009 and ISO 9001-2008 certified in addition to the much coveted & stringent BA 9000 certification. We follow NATO AQAP quality standards and are also registered with International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG). Our R&D House is recognized by the Govt. of India and aggressively invest 10% of our annual turnover into R&D activities. Additionally, we hold over 10 patents in India & abroad.
Exhibitor's brands
KAVRO PROTECTION Personal security and protection - other
Exhibitor's product categories

Product categorie: 06.01
Night-vision equipmentWith NETRO Soldier and Platform Optronic Solutions (Night Vision & Thermal Goggles, Driver Night Sights and Aviation Goggles) we are turning night into day for brave hearts in the line of duty. These solutions provide excellent detection, identification & recognition capabilities to enhance the operatability and efficiency of soldiers and platform operators at night.
Product categorie: 06.02
Optic aiming systems and target marking
Product categorie: 09.99
Personal security and protection - otherWith KAVRO Soldier and Platform Solutions (Ballistic Helmets, Ballistic Jackets, Ballistic Shields, Lightweight armour for Air, Naval and Land platforms. We stand firmly between the bullet and our heroes. These solutions offer enhanced protection for soldiers and platforms, using smart technologies, design and features.