TO Beskydy
738 01 Frýdek-Místek
Czech Republic
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Moravskoslezský krajProfil
Beskydy - a place for good tourism business and at the same time a great place for harmonious life of its inhabitants, where all stakeholders work in symbiosis, respect, cooperate and support each other.
Here you will find the Beskydy Beer Trail, Historical Pearls under the Beskydy Mountains, Technical Monuments, excursions on foot and by bike for families with children; free Beskydy Wallachia Card for your stay and a discounted SKI PAS in winter.
Exhibitor's products
Beskydy Wallachia Card - free accommodation Beskydy Beer Tra
1. What is the Beskydy Wallachia Card?
The Beskydy Wallachia Card is a guest card that allows you to enjoy a number of benefits from partners offering their services to tourists and visitors to the Beskydy Mountains. The card is valid for 1 year, so you can use it during your travels in the Beskydy-Valachia tourist area in any season. You can choose from a wide range of benefits when exploring tourist attractions, relaxing, playing sports or staying in accommodation. With the Beskydy-Valašsko Card, you will discover the beauty of the region and save money at the same time.
09.05 Tourist destinations

Exhibitor's brands

Exhibitor's product categories

Product categorie: 09
Product categorie: 09.05
Tourist destinationsA destination that is the first choice for those who seek peace, tranquility, beautiful nature and the peculiar history of our ancestors, where they want to relax, recharge their batteries, experience wonderful moments during longer stays, while behaving in harmony with nature and in harmony with its inhabitants, who gently enjoy what the Beskydy Mountains provide for them and willingly give back to the Beskydy Mountains.
Beskydy - a place for good tourism business and at the same time a great place for harmonious life of its inhabitants, where all stakeholders work in symbiosis, respect, cooperate and support each other.
Here you will find the Beskydy Beer Trail, Historical Pearls under the Beskydy Mountains, Technical Monuments, excursions on foot and by bike for families with children; free Beskydy Wallachia Card for your stay and a discounted SKI PAS in winter.

Product categorie: 09.06
Attractive natural areas and locationsDestinace, které je první volbou pro ty, kteří vyhledávají klid, pohodu, krásnou přírodu a svébytnou historii našich předků, kde si chtějí odpočinou, načerpat síly, zažít nádherné chvíle při delších pobytech a při tom se chovají v souladu s přírodou a v souladu s jejími obyvateli, kteří šetrně užívají toho, co Beskydy poskytují jim a ochotně to Beskydům vracejí.
Beskydy - místo pro dobré podnikání v cestovním ruchu a současně skvělé místo pro harmonický život jejich obyvatel, kde všechny zainteresované strany fungují ve vzájemně symbióze, respektují se, spolupracují a podporují.
Najdeš zde Beskydskou pivní stezku, Historické perly pod Beskydami, Technické památky, výlety pěšky i na kole pro rodiny s dětmi; k pobytu zdarma Beskydy Valašsko Card a v zimě cenově zvýhodněný SKI PAS.