Produktkategorie Roofing materials
Aussteller in der Produktkategorie Roofing materials:
Building system for healthy and economical living from the basement to the roof ...
Messe: Stavební veletrhy Brno
Produktkategorie Roofing materials
04Building materials and products
04.01Masonry materials
04.03Floor materials
04.04Wall and ceiling facings - internal
04.05Aperture fillings and their protection, profiles, forging
04.07Natural stone and mason's products
04.08Concrete, mortar mixtures and plasters
04.12Natural building materials
04.13Materials and products for foundation, traffic roads, open areas, outside drainage and joint distributions
04.14Products of building chemistry
04.15Construction accessories
04.16Small garden building works
04.17Conservatories swimming pools
04.99Building materials and products - other