M.B.KERAMIKA spol. s r.o.
618 00 Brno
Czech Republic
Exhibitor's product categories

Product categorie: 04
Building materials and products
Product categorie: 04.03
Floor materials
Product categorie: 04.03.04
Ceramic tilesCeramic tiles and tiles for the bathroom, interior, terrace and pool.

Product categorie: 04.03.08
Artificial aggregate and tilesCeramic tiles for the bathroom, interior, terrace and pool in a variety of designs. In imitation of stone, concrete, wood or metal.

Product categorie: 04.03.24
Rubber non-skid floorsCeramic non-slip floors for interior and exterior with different levels of anti-slip for maximum safety.

Product categorie: 04.04
Wall and ceiling facings - internal
Product categorie: 04.04.01
Ceramic facingsCeramic tiles of many sizes, shapes, designs and surfaces for interior and exterior, both for residential and commercial spaces.

Product categorie: 04.04.10
Facings imitating natural materialsCeramic tiles and tiles imitating natural materials such as wood, concrete, stone or metal.

Product categorie: 04.06.08
Non-skid stair edgesTiles for stairs made of ceramics + many solutions for the edges of stairs - stair treads made of ceramics as well as plinths and other stair elements in the design of tiles. Also stairs suitable for commercial premises with non-slip grooves for safe movement on stairs, rails and much more.

Product categorie: 04.06.09
Edges and facings of stairsMoldings (stairs), plinths and other stair elements in the design of paving for an absolutely perfect result in the interior or exterior.

Product categorie: 04.14.03
Cements - adhesives, sealing and jointing materialsAdhesives, sealants and jointing compounds in many colors and designs.

Product categorie: 16.02.11
TerracesCeramic tiles for terraces, gardens and swimming pools. A wide selection of designs, sizes and methods of laying tiles.

Product categorie: 16.03.01
Pavement, matting, gratesCeramic tiles for walls and floors for interior and exterior use.