Kožedělník Jan Planička

Ečerova 956/5
635 00 Brno
Czech Republic
PAV P / D025
Trade fair:
Styl II
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My name is Jan Planička and I have been building a leather workshop from the ground up in Brno since 2013. With honest handwork, I produce gift leather goods for men and women - from women's handbags and bags, to men's wallets and belts, to notebooks and table mats. During production, the absolute priority for me is precise processing and selection from many color variations tailored to the customer. I use first-class materials mainly from the Czech Republic and Italy, including other European countries and the USA. Thanks to the growing number of orders and the fact that I have become a father of two, I have already reached the limit of what can be handled by one person in 24 hours, and therefore I have several carefully selected capable helpers to help me with production. However, every product passes through my hands and I personally stand behind the declared quality. With your purchase, you support the life dream of an enthusiastic craftsman who stood up on his own two feet, after years of working in an advertising agency and went to market with leather. Thank you.

Exhibitor's brands

Kožedělník Jan Planička


03.04 Leather gloves, belts and other accessories

Exhibitor's product categories