KMA Umwelttechnik GmbH

Eduard-Rhein-Straße 2
53639 Königswinter
PAV V / 054
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Environmental technology that pays off!

We are experts in energy efficient exhaust air filtration and heat recovery for a wide range of thermal processes. Our extensive experience within the food industry will benefit many food processors whose priorities are not only reducing costs but also having a benefit on the environment, both for their employees but also their neighbours and society as a whole. With more than 2.000 installations as the global leader in our field, we look forward to a support food producer who are smoking, cooking, frying, baking, roasting, drying and spray drying. The great international portfolio of reference customers and the strong expertise of our engineers and process technicians illustrates: environmental technology does pays off! KMA exhaust air filtration systems usually need about 80 % less energy than conventional afterburning systems!

Save Energy costs
The generation of heat and the management of exhaust and supply air are one of the key drivers of energy costs in the food industry. With our environmental technology, you can sustainably reduce your energy costs and secure important strategic cost advantages through improved energy efficiency and clever heat recovery.

Reduce CO2 emissions
With our environmental technology, you effectively reduce your emissions into the environment and ensure clean air at your workplace and in your surroundings, Thanks to high energy efficiency, you can also detectably limit the generation of CO2 emissions. With this contribution to more sustainability, you generate important advantages with consumers and in the trade.

Reduce gas dependency
KMA can help to reduce your consumption of natural gas quickly and permanently. This makes you less vulnerable to rising energy prices and impending supply bottlenecks. In this way you strengthen your operative and competitive position in the long term.

Exhibitor's product categories

Product categorie: 11.08

Machines and equipment for the production of dried milk

Highly efficient product recovery of powder during spray drying

Spray dryers or flash dryers in the food, dairy and pharmaceutical industry need highly efficient dust filters in order to prevent fine dust particles escaping to the outside and to minimize the emissions.
The spray drying process creates fine dust particles which can be filtered and recuperated thanks to sanitary product recovery. As a result, the energy efficient air filter system, the economic product recovery and the powerful heat recovery save operating costs and lead to a short payback period. The dedusting of the spray dryer for product recovery is suitable for the following areas:

• Pharmaceutical products
• Various foods
• Dairy products such as milk powder
• Protein powder
• Ground coffee
• Cocoa powder
• Malt powder
• Fish powder
• Yeast powder
• Fragrances and flavorings

Product categorie: 12

Machines and technologies for meat industry

Exhaust air filter systems for industrial frying & cooking

During the industrial frying process normally occurs an exhaust air mixture of smoke and intensive odours. The KMA ULTRAVENT® Hybrid Filter is an energy-efficient alternative to afterburning systems. KMA ULTRAVENT® exhaust air filtration systems eliminate oil, grease and odours from the exhaust air and are used at all frying and cooking systems such as frying lines, belt grills, contact cooker or hot air tunnels etc.
The combination of energy-efficient air filtration and intelligent heat recovery delivers important energy cost advantages. KMA exhaust air filtration systems usually need about 80 % less energy than conventional afterburning systems!

Discover our customer example for more information:

Product categorie: 12.09

Smoking chambers

The expert for air filtration in smokehouses: The exhaust of strong odour and fumes from food production lines requires the cleaning of waste air emissions.The KMA AAIRMAXX Filter System saves up to 85 % of the calculated annual operating costs of the post-combustion system (with heat recovery) and 95% of CO2 emissions! Smokehouses can avoid environmental pollution with minimal energy costs!

Product categorie: 57

Environmental protection, waste and packaging waste

KMA produces exhaust air filtration systems for many application areas in the food processing industry. The development focus of our engineers and process technicians has always been sustainability and efficiency.
The result: KMA exhaust air filtration systems usually need about 80 % less energy than conventional afterburning systems!